
When We Meet: Exploris PTO meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every other month, on Zoom. Please see the Exploris Calendar for exact dates.

Who is Involved: We are open to all Exploris families. We’d love to have you join us at a meeting.  We have parents of Kindergarteners through 8th grade involved with the PTO.  The group is a great way to meet other Exploris parents and teachers. Check out the PTO Board and all of the Executive and Committee Positions. However, You do not have to be a PTO chair to be involved, we can always use more help!

What We Do: The PTO hosts a variety of programs and events. We are always looking for wonderful volunteers to make things happen. Festivals, Dances, Fundraising, Teacher Gifts, Classroom Volunteers and so much more, our goal is to support our amazing Exploris community wherever we can. Please get in touch with us if you’d like to get involved.

Communication: We publish a weekly Newsletter called the “Monday Minute”.  Please make sure that you subscribe (on the homescreen of this website) so that you stay up to date on all the events and opprotunities we offer!